
Morning creation

My daughter has an interesting way of referring to anything in the past. She prefaces her story about what has happened by saying, "Morning...."

This is not only unbearably cute when she says it, but it also makes you think that every story that she relates happened to her this very day!

And in some ways, it did.

"Morning..." I became who I am.

"Morning..." this set of experiences happened to me.

"Morning..." this is who I am today!

Now is the afternoon. Now, this moment, this day, I have as much to do with myself yesterday, as high noon has to do with this morning.

You got to where you are by moving through where you have been. But frequently, we are not in the same place in midday that we were in the morning. Your entire body and perspective has changed since then! Just a few hours, and you could be in a different outfit, your joints could be moving differently, a whole different group of people are seeing you, and you have, in short, transformed between then and now.


Focal Point

When you set your intention for the day, what do you use to focus?

Dion Fortune said, "Symbols are to the mind what tools are to the hand--an extended application of its powers."

So let's apply.

What is the best symbol to represent your intention? If your intention is financial, it could be a piece of currency. It could be a check made out to yourself in the amount of one million dollars. It could be a check register with all of the visualized checks entered, and the account balanced with painstaking accuracy.

The entire reason that this works as a manifestation technique is that the symbol becomes that which it symbolizes in your mind. In the example of the check register, imagine yourself spending an hour balancing your visualized bank account. During that entire time, your mind does not know that these numbers are not actually real. When you are solving for the bank account balance with all of the imagined checks you see yourself receiving, your mind will do the same arithmetic it always does, and as you get more absorbed in the task, your mind will assume the existence of that which it is working on. Your very large bank account balance.

What symbol can you construct to make your mind believe in your goal one hundred percent?

A symbol of power is not dashed off with a doodle on paper. It is thoughtfully engineered in order to encompass a concept.

Pick a goal you want to manifest. Represent it as a symbol here, in the real world.

Use this symbol as a focal point when you set your intention for your day, and your goals cannot help but manifest.


Smoke Breaks

Smokers have an unfair advantage with visualization: they have a built-in break system.

If they do not pass their smoke break in idle chat with other smokers, they find themselves outside, alone, with their thoughts their only company while they find fulfillment for a few minutes. A smoker ends a smoke break feeling refreshed, because their addiction has been sated.

This break time, where the rest of the world is put on hold, is one of the most difficult things to lose when people quit smoking. By replacing the smoke break with a visualization break, you can quit smoking and still keep this great advantage that smokers get for manifestation.

If you have been a smoker, you know what I am talking about: five minutes alone with your thoughts can be spent brooding about what has gone wrong, or rejoicing about what has gone right. There is nothing quite so satisfying as a victory cigarette, nor is there anything quite so depressing as a cigarette smoked in frustration. This is becausew the structure of the smoke break is now separate from daily tasks; you cannot smoke while shopping for groceries, or working at your job (in most cases), or eating a meal in a restaurant. Smoking removes you from the daily pace of life, and gives you an outside perspective that is necessary during visualization.

Non-smokers have seen this if they have ever seen anyone smoking outside a building, standing idly, with no company but their own thoughts. Put the smoke break to work for you! Use it as time to visualize and manifest. Spend the length of one cigarette embodying your dream, and see yourself as successfully attaining your goals while you are in that break from the rel world. When you step back into it, you will be urged in the direction to your goal by the power of your own mind.

Five minute breaks, times five

As your day begins, hold your intention firmly in your thoughts. There are five important times of day to check in with your intentions:

-When your feet first hit the floor, as you rise in the morning. Focus on gratitude.

-When you begin your workday, take five minutes and see yourself in possession of your goal.

-During your midday break, give yourself another five minutes to visualize.

-As you end your workday, look back with satisfaction at what you have done well. Do not look at the negative, or the missed opportunities, only rejoice in what you have successfully accomplished.

-As you lay down to sleep at night, review your day in reverse. Note the things you wish happened differently. Then review your day from start to finish, and change all of the things you wish had been changed. Visualize your day having gone perfectly, and KNOW that it will go perfectly tomorrow.

Five minutes, five times a day. Five by five. I know you can spare five minute breaks in order to manifest successfully.


What ARE you?

Dreaming is not manifesting. Desiring something does not bring it about. Why?

Wishing for something in the future keeps it out of the NOW.

If you are going to manifest your dreams, and make them become reality, then you must BECOME your dreams. Now. Today. This moment. For eternity exists only within the present moment, and if you do not anchor your desires in eternity, then when will they ever come about?

"Someday" is often a codeword for "never."

Oftentimes, by wanting something, we focus only on the absence of it. It is not enough to recognize a lack in yourself, and wish for it to be fulfilled. By the Law of Attraction, you will be manifesting more lack.

If you want to manifest your desire, you must do more than wish for it. You must BECOME it.

This is the difference between wishing and manifesting: BECOMING.

Let's say you have a goal to find a new job. You have done all of the visualization; you imagine what your working environment is like, how your day goes, what you wear, how you feel, how you move throughout the day. This is all good. But if you are only experiencing this as happening in the future, then it will never happen now.

James F. Twyman lays it out in his wonderful book, The Moses Code. The Hebrew name for God, while untranslateable, can be roughly understood as "I AM THAT I AM."

One of the excellent exercises that Twyman gives in his book is perfect for BECOMING your goal. While holding your goal in mind, close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly. Focusing on your goal, as you breathe in, say, "I AM," and as you breathe out, say, "THAT I AM."


Experience your visualization with the quality of ownership, and it will manifest itself into being! For you are a creator too. As a co-creator in this universe, when you declare that this job is a job that you have NOW, then the universe agrees with you!

Ask yourself, this moment, about the manifestations you are working on that have not come to pass. Close your eyes and experience them as already happening.

What ARE you?


Manifesting Abundance

There are four easy steps to bringing abundance in your life:

-Visualize your goal.
-Own your goal.
-Feel it already happening.
-Allow it to happen.

Visualize your Goal
The most complicated of these steps is sometimes the first one. When visualizing, the Law of Attraction works quickly, if you are clear.

The clearer your visualization, the more accurate the manifestation. If you do not know what you want, how will the universe? This is your key for step 1: be clear.

How clear can you get? How many senses do you use in your visualization? Can you taste the air? Can you feel textures? Include motion. Don't see yourself sitting in your new car, feel the wheel as you turn it, shift gears, accelerate.

Own your Goal
You must demolish any and all barriers you have to the actualizing of your goal.

Think about this word: actualize. Can you seriously see yourself manifesting a goal that you believe to be impossible? Of course not.

Your key for step 2 is to identify barriers and overcome them. When you see yourself in possession of your goal, do you truly believe it? If not, why not? What is it that is keeping you from owning this goal?

Identify your barriers, and overcome them.

Feel it already happening
This is the great Secret. This is what translates the visualization from a wish into reality. You must feel the successful attainment of your goal!

Visualize the present with your goal already in hand. Do not put it into the future, for you will be manifesting the goal happening sometime later. It will ALWAYS be sometime later, if you do not visualize it happening now.

Allow it to happen
When the universe brings a new, interesting occurence into your life, go with it. Your visualizing, your manifestation, it will change things in the world around you. It will change the opportunities that are set before you. It will change the choices that you aer given.

Expect this.

Use it.

When you are given a new, exciting option, don't go back into doing what you have always done. Allow your manifestation to happen!


Beginning the Manifestation

"The greatest journey begins with a single step."

What will you do today to achieve your goals? It may seem that visualizing is the first step. In many works of manifestation, from The Teachings of Abraham by Jerry and Esther Hicks, to The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, the first step seems to be: ask.

I say seems, for a very specific reason.

Actions begin the manifestation process, after the visualization has already occurred. We spend our meditations thinking about our desires, seeing us in possession of our desires, and feeling the emotions of actually achieving these desires. This is all necessary work.

But it still does not take you to the first step.

Visualization is more like the negative step. The work that is done before you break the surface into the light of day. The seed is planted, nurtured, and grows. BUt it does not begin to take action until you do.

What will you do today to achieve your goal?

Let's say your goal is to make a million dollars. You have visualized the feeling of having this amount of wealth, and you have accepted it as a part of your being. The having of it is indistinguishable from your present circumstances.

But what do you do? After the visualiztion, after you have already begun, how is your day different? How is your reaction to things different?

This is an important key step that many manifestors overlook. Your manifestation work creates situations for you to change habits. That million dollars will not magically appear in your bank account. The universe will change itself to allow for situations to arise that you can take advantage of.

But you must do the taking.

Maybe your goal is to lose weight. You do your exercies, every day, aeeing yourself in your ideal body. But when you are faced with a minor choice (do I drink water or soda with this meal?) you must act in order to help the manifestation take place!

Your visualization may create the conditions for you to make the choice easy. Because you see yourself as thin, when the time comes to choose a beverage, the soda may not seem any more appealing than the water. But if it is your habit to take a soda with your meal, and you refrain from changing this habit, then you refrain from making change. You are disallowing your visualization to manifest.

Actions make manifestations. The visualizations simply allow the opportunity for the actions to take place. But it is still up to you to take those actions.

Be proactive. What will you do to make your visions manifest? What actions will you take?

What will you do?