You can think that external manifestation is complete hogwash, and the Law of Attraction can still be used to help you manifest your goals. Here's why:
Internal manifestation.
This is a process of retraining your brain to be on the lookout for circumstances that match your new paradigm, instead of your old one.
Your brain is capable of processing more than 400,000 bits of information per second.
Per second!
You have at your disposal one of the most powerful computational machines in existence.
Your conscious mind, however, is only capable of processing 2,000 bits of information per second.
Your conscious mind does not need to listen to your heartbeat every beat to make sure it's still on time. Your conscious mind does not need to monitor your pancreatic hormaone levels. That's what the supercomputer of your unconscious mind is for. If your conscious mind were overtaken with all of the sounds which you are ignoring right now the smells and tastes and sights that you are not actively focusing on, your would have no capacity for actively focusing on anything!
Ther easons our brains can do this is because of the Reticular Activating System. The RAS is a network of nerves between your cerebellum, your spinal cord, and your brain stem that filters out what is necessary and uneccesary for the conscious mind to perceive. Imagine a bouncer at a very exclusive party, with a huge crowd of people clamoring to get inside. RAS, your bouncer, is very loyal to you, and will not let the exclusive party get overrun by all this riffraff you don't want to see.
Ninety-nine percent of your bodily functions don't get into the party. They are too uncouth, or just plain boring. Can you imagine, your conscious mind is working on maintaining a conversation with a friend about the virtues of your favorite movie star, and someone busts into the conversation and says, "Your endecrine levels are just the same as they were six seconds ago!"
Not at your party!
RAS is watching out for you. And he follows your orders precisely. If you tell him, "RAS, it is very hard for me to make money. I make thirty thousand dollars a year, and I have never made more than that. I have a job that I hate, and I can take a prospect all the way through the sales process, right up to the close, and they will turn around and go with someone else! That happens to me all the time."
RAS will say, "Okay, boss, you got it." And he will filter that vast sea of perceptions in order to snag those party guests that you want.
The good thing is, you can always change RAS's orders. You can tell him, "RAS, I am a millionaire. MOnaey comes to me easily and frequently, and people want to do business with me."
What does RAS say? "Okay, boss, you got it." He will use this extremely powerful supercomputer that is your uncosncious mind to compare your current perceptions against your stored memories, and he will find interesting combinations in the white noise, and shove them into your party.
You ever have one of those out-of-the-blue ideas? That was RAS doing his job.
He is working with more data than you are even capable of processing on a conscious level. Use him, it's what he is there for! Point him in the direction that you want, and you will hear a snippet of conversation from across the room that ordinarily would have been buried in the white noise of everyday life. This is RAS saying, "Hey, you need to pay attention to this. You told me to be on the lookout for good people who will make you successful right? Here's one."
Trust the bouncer to do his job. He is nearly mindless, for once he has his instructions, he just goes and carries them out. But he does his job incredibly well.
Train him right, and use him well.
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